Frequently Asked Question
General inquiries
Where can I order Peakpro?
You can order it directly through facebook, Instagram or Shopee and Lazada.
How long does it take for a product to arrive after ordering?
1 - 2 Days for central bangkok and 2 - 3 days for residents outside Bangkok. However these are just estimated numbers. The shipping will vary depending on the order volume and location of the resident.
How to store the product?
Keep out of direct sunlight and store in a cool dry place. (Does not need to be refrigerated)
What is the shelf life?
The product Shelf life is 2 Years, from manufacturing date.
What is the product return policy?
Incase of wrong flavours delivered by the Company, we will allow customers to return the product for the correct flavours, However once the product is opened it cannot be returned.
Does peakpro have a distributor?
We do not have an official distributor, the only way to buy the product is straight from the brand, official stores.
Collapsible content
Product inquiries
Is it necessary to drink protein supplements?
Normally people don’t hit the ideal protein intake in a day especially if you are working out, however technically anyone who needs additional protein to hit that ideal protein intake in a day can consume whey protein.
How much protein should I take in a day?
On average Adult men - 54 grams for a 2000 calorie diet and adult women - 46 grams per day for a 2000 calorie diet. If you are working out male needs 1.5 grams of protein x body weight. And females need 0.8 grams of protein x body weight.
Is it safe to consume Peakpro if you have diabetes?
We advise anyone who has a medical condition to check with their healthcare professional before using any of our products.
Can Pregnant woman and kids consume peakpro?